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Références bibliographiques relatives à la modélisation, les indicateurs et le changement climatique

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Alston-Knox, C. L., & al. 2018. Modelling habitat and planning surveillance using Landsat imagery: a case study using Imported Red Fire ants. Biological Invasions 20(5): 1349-1367.

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Fischer, M. L., & al. 2016. Assessing and predicting the spread of non-native raccoons in Germany using hunting bag data and dispersal weighted models. Biological Invasions 18(1): 57-71.

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Gallardo, B., & al. 2017. Protected areas offer refuge from invasive species spreading under climate change. Glob Change Biol 1–13.

Goldsmit, J., & al. 2018. Projecting present and future habitat suitability of ship-mediated aquatic invasive species in the Canadian Arctic. Biological Invasions 20(2): 501-517.

Goldstein, E. A., & al. 2016. Modeling future range expansion and management strategies for an invasive squirrel species. Biological Invasions 18(5): 1431-1450.

Gray, D. R. 2017. Climate change can reduce the risk of biological invasion by reducing propagule size. Biological Invasions 19(3): 913-923.

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Harris, R. M. B., & al. 2017. Unusual suspects in the usual places: a phylo-climatic framework to identify potential future invasive species. Biological Invasions 19(2): 577-596.

Hill, M. P., & al. 2016. Predicted decrease in global climate suitability masks regional complexity of invasive fruit fly species response to climate change. Biological Invasions 18(4): 1105-1119.

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