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Abdelkrim, J., & al. 2009. Genetic structure and functioning of alien ship rat populations from a Corsican micro-insular complex. Biological Invasions 11(3): 473-482. Lire

Adriaens, T., & al. 2015. Successful eradication of a suburban Pallas’s squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus (Pallas 1779) (Rodentia, Sciuridae) population in Flanders (northern Belgium). Biological Invasions 17(9): 2517-2526. Lire

Alda, F., & al. 2013. Genetic evidence for multiple introduction events of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Spain. Biological Invasions 15(3): 687-698. Lire

Aloise G. & Bertolino S. 2005. Free-ranging population of the Finlayson’s squirrel Callosciurus finlaysonii(Horsfield, 1824) (Rodentia, Sciuridae) in South Italy. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 16(1). Lire

Anderson, A. 2009. The rat and the octopus: initial human colonization and the prehistoric introduction of domestic animals to Remote Oceania. Biological Invasions 11(7): 1503-1519. Lire

Angel, A., & al. 2009. Review of impacts of the introduced house mouse on islands in the Southern Ocean: are mice equivalent to rats? Biological Invasions 11(7): 1743-1754. Lire

Athens, J. S. 2009Rattus exulans and the catastrophic disappearance of Hawai’i’s native lowland forest. Biological Invasions 11(7): 1489-1501. Lire

Averill, K. M., & al. 2016. Deer feeding selectivity for invasive plants. Biological Invasions 18(5): 1247-1263. Lire

Baig, M., & al. 2019. Phylogeography of the black rat Rattus rattus in India and the implications for its dispersal history in Eurasia. Biological Invasions 21(2): 417-433. Lire

Barrios-Garcia, M. N. & Ballari, S. 2012. Impact of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in its introduced and native range: a review. Biological Invasions 14(11): 2283-2300. Lire

Barros, Á., & al. 2016. Behavioural plasticity in nest-site selection of a colonial seabird in response to an invasive carnivore. Biological Invasions 18(11): 3149-3161. Lire

Bartolommei, P., & al. 2013. First report on the distribution of the American mink Neovison vison(Mammalia: Mustelidae) in central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology 80(3): 455-461. Lire

Barun, A., & al. 2010. Impact of the small Indian mongoose on native amphibians and reptiles of the Adriatic islands, Croatia. Animal Conservation 13(6): 549-555. Lire

Beaucournu, J.C., Pisanu, B. & Chapuis, J.-L. 2008Enderleinellus tamiasis Fahrenholz, 1916 (Anoploura : Enderleinellidae), espèce importée, implantée et nouvelle pour la Faune de France. Parasite, 15 : 175-178. Lire

Bertolino, S., & al. 2000. Native and alien squirrels in Italy. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 11(2): 65-74. Lire

Bertolino, S. Genovesi, P. 2005. The application of the European strategy on invasive alien species: an example with introduced squirrels. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of MammalogyHystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 16(1): 59-69. Lire

Bertolino, S. & Viterbi, R. 2010. Long-term cost-effectiveness of coypu (Myocastor coypus) control in Piedmont (Italy). Biological Invasions 12(8): 2549-2558. Lire

Bertolino, S., & al. 2014. A grey future for Europe: Sciurus carolinensis is replacing native red squirrels in Italy. Biological Invasions 16(1): 53-62. Lire

Biedrzycka, A., & al. 2014. The genetic structure of raccoon introduced in Central Europe reflects multiple invasion pathways. Biological Invasions 16(8): 1611-1625. Lire

Bird, P., & al. 2012. Damage caused by low-density exotic herbivore populations: the impact of introduced European rabbits on marsupial herbivores and Allocasuarina and Bursaria seedling survival in Australian coastal shrubland. Biological Invasions 14(3): 743-755. Lire

Bode, M., & al. 2013. Interior fences can reduce cost and uncertainty when eradicating invasive species from large islands. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4(9): 819-827. Lire

Bodey, T., &al. 2011. Localised control of an introduced predator: creating problems for the future? Biological Invasions 13(12): 2817-2828. Lire

Bolfikova, B., & al. 2013. Population biology of establishment in New Zealand hedgehogs inferred from genetic and historical data: conflict or compromise? Mol Ecol 22(14): 3709-3720. Lire

Bonnaud, E., & al. 2015. Island specificities matter: cat diet differs significantly between islands of a major breeding archipelago for a vulnerable endemic seabird. Biological Invasions 17(10): 2927-2941. Lire

Bonnaud, E., & al. 2011. The diet of feral cats on islands: a review and a call for more studies. Biological Invasions 13(3): 581-603. Lire

Bonnet, S., & al. 2015. Infection of Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus barberi) with Borrelia sp. reveals a low reservoir competence under experimental conditions. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 6:393-400. Lire

Borroto-Páez, R. 2009. Invasive mammals in Cuba: an overview. Biological Invasions 11(10): 2279-2290. Lire

Bourgeois, K., & al. 2013. Dramatic increase in the Zembretta Yelkouan shearwater breeding population following ship rat eradication spurs interest in managing a 1500-year old invasion. Biological Invasions15(3): 475-482. Lire

Bovendorp, S. R. & Galetti, M. 2007. Density and population size of mammals introduced on a land-bridge island in southeastern Brazil. Biological Invasions 9(3): 353-357. Lire


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Braschi, J., & al. 2015. Eradications simultanées du rat noir (Rattus rattus) et des griffes de sorcière (Carpobrotus spp.) sur l’île de Bagaud (parc national de Port-Cros, Provence, France) : résultats préliminaires des conséquences sur les communautés d’arthropodes. Revue d’écologie 70, Suppl. 12: 91-98. Lire

Bridgman, L. J. 2012. Interactions between ship rats and house mice, University of Waikato. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): 243. Lire

Brzeziński, M., & al. 2019. Expansion and population dynamics of a non-native invasive species: the 40-year history of American mink colonisation of Poland. Biological Invasions 21(2): 531-545. Lire

Calvino-Cancela, M. 2010. Seed dispersal of alien and native plants by vertebrate herbivores. Biological Invasions 13(4): 895-904. Lire

Can, & al. 2013. Host-Parasite Relationship of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae and Argasidae) and Feral Pigs (Sus scrofa) in the Nhecolândia Region of the Pantanal Wetlands in Mato Grosso do Sul. ISRN Parasitology2013: 6. Lire

Capellini, I., et al. 2015. The role of life history traits in mammalian invasion success. Ecology Letters18(10): 1099-1107. Lire

Caravaggi, A., & al. 2017. Niche overlap of mountain hare subspecies and the vulnerability of their ranges to invasion by the European hare; the (bad) luck of the Irish. Biological Invasions 19(2): 655-674. Lire

Carlsson, N. O. L., & al. 2009. Long-term data on invaders: when the fox is away, the mink will play. Biological Invasions 12(3): 633-641. Lire

Caut, S., & al. 2008. Avoiding surprise effects on Surprise Island: alien species control in a multitrophic level perspective. Biological Invasions 11(7): 1689-1703. Lire

Chapuis, J.-L. 2005. Répartition en France d’un animal de compagnie naturalisé, le Tamia de Sibérie (Tamias sibiricus). Revue d’Ecologie (Terre Vie), 60 : 239-253. Lire

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Chapuis, J.-L., & al. 2010Borréliose de Lyme : situation générale et conséquences de l’introduction en Ile-de-France d’un nouvel hôte, le Tamia de Sibérie. Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire, Hors-série, 14 sept. 2010, 6-8. Lire

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Chimera, C. G. & Drake, D. R. 2010. Could poor seed dispersal contribute to predation by introduced rodents in a Hawaiian dry forest? Biological Invasions 13(4): 1029-1042. Lire

Chynoweth, M., & al. 2013. Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. Capra hircus, the Feral Goat (Mammalia: Bovidae). Pacific Science 67(2): 141-156. Lire

Ćirović, D.,& al. 2010. Small Indian Mongoose Herpestes auropunctatus (Herpestidae, Carnivora): an invasive species in Montenegro. Biological Invasions 13(2): 393-399. Lire

Civantos, E., & al. 2012. Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services in Europe: The Case of Pest Control by Vertebrates. BioScience 62(7): 658-666. Lire

Cole, R. J. & C. M. Litton. 2013. Vegetation response to removal of non-native feral pigs from Hawaiian tropical montane wet forest. Biological Invasions 16(1): 125-140. Lire

Conroy, C. J., & al. 2012. Cryptic genetic diversity in Rattus of the San Francisco Bay region, California. Biological Invasions 15(4): 741-758. Lire

Cove, M. V.,& al. 2018. Free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) on public lands: estimating density, activity, and diet in the Florida Keys. Biological Invasions 20(2): 333-344. Lire

Croll, D. A.& al. 2016. Passive recovery of an island bird community after rodent eradication. Biological Invasions 18(3): 703-715. Lire

Croquet, V., Cugnasse, J.-M., 2013Le Mouflon à manchettes (Ammotragus lervia, Pallas, 1777) dans la Montagne Sainte-Victoire (Bouches-du-Rhône), ONCFS: 13 pp.

Cubas, J., & al. 2018. Contrasting effects of invasive rabbits on endemic plants driving vegetation change in a subtropical alpine insular environment. Biological Invasions 20(3): 793-807. Lire

Davis, A. J., et al. 2018. Quantifying site-level usage and certainty of absence for an invasive species through occupancy analysis of camera-trap data. Biological Invasions 20(4): 877-890. Lire

Delibes, M., & al. 2004. Potential Impact of an Exotic Mammal on Rocky Intertidal Communities of Northwestern Spain. Biological Invasions 6(2): 213-219. Lire

Di Febbraro, M., & al. 2013. The Use of Climatic Niches in Screening Procedures for Introduced Species to Evaluate Risk of Spread: A Case with the American Eastern Grey Squirrel. PLoS ONE 8(7): e66559. Lire

Dingerkus, S. K. & W. I. Montgomery. 2001. The diet and landclass affinities of the Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicusJournal of Zoology 253(2): 233-240. Lire

Doherty, T. S., & al. 2016. Invasive predators and global biodiversity loss. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(40): 11261-11265. Lire

Donlan, C. J. & C. Wilcox 2007. Integrating invasive mammal eradications and biodiversity offsets for fisheries bycatch: conservation opportunities and challenges for seabirds and sea turtles. Biological Invasions 10(7): 1053-1060. Lire

Dozières, A. 2012. Conservation de l’Ecureuil roux en France : De l’état des populations aux enjeux liés à l’introduction de l’Ecureuil à ventre rouge. Paris, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle. Phd: 238. Lire

Dozières, A., & al. 2010. Macroparasites of Pallas’s squirrels, Callosciurus erythraeus, introduced into Europe. Veterinary Parasitology, 172: 172-176. Lire

Dozières, A., & al. 2015. Range expansion of Pallas’s squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus) introduced in southern France: habitat suitability and space use. Mammalian Biology, 80: 518–526. Lire

Drake, D. R. & Hunt, T. L. 2008. Invasive rodents on islands: integrating historical and contemporary ecology. Biological Invasions 11(7): 1483-1487. Lire

Drygala, F. & Zoller, H.2013. Spatial use and interaction of the invasive raccoon dog and the native red fox in Central Europe: competition or coexistence? European Journal of Wildlife Research 59(5): 683-691. Lire

Duron, Q., & al. 2017. Comparative effects of native frugivores and introduced rodents on seed germination in New-Caledonian rainforest plants. Biological Invasions 19(1): 351-363. Lire

Elledge, A. E., & al. 2012. Modelling habitat preferences of feral pigs for rooting in lowland rainforest. Biological Invasions 15(7): 1523-1535. Lire

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Fautley, R., & al. 2012. A comparative analysis of the factors promoting deer invasion. Biological Invasions14(11): 2271-2281. Lire

Fischer, M. L., & al. 2016. Assessing and predicting the spread of non-native raccoons in Germany using hunting bag data and dispersal weighted models. Biological Invasions 18(1): 57-71. Lire

Frantz, A. C., & al. 2013. Limited mitochondrial DNA diversity is indicative of a small number of founders of the German raccoon (Procyon lotor) population. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59(5): 665-674. Lire

Fraser, E. J., & al. 2013. Using population genetic structure of an invasive mammal to target control efforts – An example of the American mink in Scotland. Biological Conservation 167: 35-42. Lire

Fukasawa, K., & al. 2013. Reconstruction and prediction of invasive mongoose population dynamics from history of introduction and management: a Bayesian state-space modelling approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(2): 469-478. Lire

Galan, P. 2013. Depredación de gato doméstico sobre reptiles en Galicia Pedro Galán. Bol. Asoc. Herpetol. Esp. 24(1): 1-4. Lire

García, K., & al. 2017. Spatial mixing of mitochondrial lineages and greater genetic diversity in some invasive populations of the American mink (Neovison vison) compared to native populations. Biological Invasions 19(9): 2663-2673. Lire

García-Díaz, P., & al. 2013. The impact of the American mink (Neovison vison) on native vertebrates in mountainous streams in Central Spain. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59(6): 823-831. Lire

García, J. T., & al. 2011. Recent invasion and status of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Spain. Biological Invasions 14(7): 1305-1310. Lire

Gargan, L.M. et al. 2016. Molecular and morphological insights into the origin of the invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) in Ireland. Biological Invasions, 18(3), 857-871. Lire

Gaubert, P., & al. 2008. Early phases of a successful invasion: mitochondrial phylogeography of the common genet (Genetta genetta) within the Mediterranean Basin. Biological Invasions 11(3): 523-546. Lire

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Gizicki, Z. S., & al. 2018. Long-term effects of feral goats (Capra hircus) on Mediterranean island communities: results from whole island manipulations. Biological Invasions 20(6): 1537-1552. Lire

Goldstein, E. A., & al. 2016. Modeling future range expansion and management strategies for an invasive squirrel species. Biological Invasions 18(5): 1431-1450. Lire

Guichón, M. L., & al. 2015. From a lag in vector activity to a constant increase of translocations: invasion of Callosciurus squirrels in Argentina. Biological Invasions 17(9): 2597-2604. Lire

Harris, D. B., & al. 2011. Island prioritization for invasive rodent eradications with an emphasis on reinvasion risk. Biological Invasions 14(6): 1251-1263. Lire

Hayes, W. K., & al. 2012. Do invasive rodents impact endangered insular iguana populations? Biodiversity and Conservation 21(7): 1893-1899. Lire

Henn, J. J., & al. 2016. Landscape-level impact and habitat factors associated with invasive beaver distribution in Tierra del Fuego. Biological Invasions 18(6): 1679-1688. Lire

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